Low-resource languagesAttention mechanismSequence-to-sequence modelsUnsupervised word segmentationComputational language documentationNeural machine translationThe attention mechanism for Neural Machine Translation (NMT) added flexibility to neural models, and the possibility to visualize soft-alignments between ...
Proceedings of the AMTA 2018 Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages (LoResMT 2018) CH Liu – Proceedings of the AMTA 2018 Workshop on …, 2018 – aclweb.org… System Description of Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Approaches IV Page 8 … Her present ...
We explore various setups for multilingual Neural Machine Translation (NMT), namely knowledge distillation and transfer learning, multilingual NMT including a high-resource language (English), language-specific fine-tuning, and multilingual NMT exclusively using low-resource data. Our multilingual Model B...
🌍African NMT.@jaderabbitstarted an initiative at the Indaba Deep Learning School 2019 to"put African NMT on the map". The goal is to build and collect NMT models for low-resource African languages. TheMasakhane repositorycontains and explains all the code you need to train Joey NMT and ...
🌍African NMT.@jaderabbitstarted an initiative at the Indaba Deep Learning School 2019 to"put African NMT on the map". The goal is to build and collect NMT models for low-resource African languages. TheMasakhane repositorycontains and explains all the code you need to train Joey NMT and ...
Prof. Cipolla helped me learn Sicilian and he also helped me develop this recipe for low-resource neural machine translation. We thought about the problem together. He encouraged me to incorporate theoretical information into the model and that’s why we got good results. Dr. Dieli seeded this...
Enhancing Low-Resource Language NMT Models Through Constrained Sampling-Based Data Augmentation人工智能自然语言处理神经网络机器翻译低资源语言数据增强约束采样数据增强(DA)是自然语言处理中的一种流行技术,特别是在机器翻译中.它涉及从现有数据集创建额外的训练数据以提高模型性能.然而,现有的针对低资源语言的DA方法...
LANGUAGE & languagesCOMMONSThis paper presents a successful domain adaptation of a general neural machine translation (NMT) system using a bilingual corpus created with captions for images inWikimedia Commons for the Spanish-Basque and English-Irish pairs....
Document Level NMT of Low-Resource Languages with Backtranslation.Sami ul HaqSadaf Abdul-RaufArsalan ShaukatAbdullah SaeedAssociation for Computational LinguisticsEmpirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Efficient incremental training using a novel NMT-SMT hybrid framework for translation of low-resource languagesdoi:10.3389/frai.2024.1381290Bhuvaneswari, KumarVaralakshmi, MurugesanFrontiers in Artificial Intelligence