(Portal) A省ISMP B省ISMP C省ISMP D省ISMP E省ISMP 16 用户至上用心服务 Customer First Service Foremost 集团移动业务中心 (NMSC) A省用户 B 省漫游用户 A省WAP 网关 NMSC 介绍 ISMP 介绍重点业务介绍业务上线流程介绍 17|用户至上用心服务 Customer First Service Foremost WG ISM NMSC SP 提交测试给...
4.9.4 接口协议说明 59 用 专 司 公 朗 阿 - 3 - 综合业务管理平台ISMP 接口规范-NMSC 接口 SN RC1 ISMP V1.0.1 前 言 本规范定义了中国电信综合业务管理平台ISMP (Integrated Service Management Platform)的 接口规范,包括ISMP 与SS、ISAG、MSNMC、Portal、OCS、IN、运营支撑系统、CP/SP 之间的接口。
本次公示在中国采购与招标网(www.chinabidding.com.cn)和中国电信集团阳光采购网(https://caigou.chinatelecom.com.cn/MSS-PORTAL)上发布,其他媒体转载无效。 公示期自2017年12月26日至2017年12月29日,共4天。 五、联系方式 中国电信集团公司 采购事业部 电话:010-58502204 邮箱:procurement@chinatelecom.cn 地址...
The power MOSFET IQD009N06NM5SC comes with a low RDS(on)of 0,9 mOhm combined with outstanding thermal performance for easy power loss management. Moreover, with the dual-side cooling package five times more power can be dissipated compared to the overmolded package. ...
OptiMOS™ power MOSFETs 40 V normal level in PQFN 5x6 Source-Down DSC package with very low RDS(on). The power MOSFET IQD005N04NM6SC comes with a low RDS(on)of 0,47 mOhm combined with outstanding thermal performance for easy power loss management. Moreover, with the dual-side cooli...
Infineon is presenting the new product of the portfolio extension for the innovativeSource-Downtechnology: theOptiMOSTM5 60 VPQFN 3.3x3.3 Source-Down: IQE030N06NM5SC. The revolutionary Source-Down technology introduces a flipped silicon die, which is positioned upside down inside of the components...
OptiMOS™ power MOSFETs 40 V normal level in PQFN 5x6 Source-Down DSC package with very low RDS(on). The power MOSFET IQD005N04NM6SC comes with a low RDS(on)of 0,47 mOhm combined with outstanding thermal performance for easy power loss management. Moreover, with the dual-side cooli...