探险家球舱教程..异星改船舱的在这👉蛋蛋和章鱼头的教程剩余步骤在评论区一、打开NMSSaveEditor,也就是修改器,建议使用最新版本,在修改器菜单栏打开Edit-Edit Raw JSON二、打开后点开第一个文件夹“PlayerStateData”里的“ShipOwnership”,找到待修改的飞船和待修改
蛋蛋和章鱼头的教程..剩余步骤在评论区一、打开NMSSaveEditor,也就是修改器,建议使用最新版本,在修改器菜单栏打开Edit-Edit Raw JSON二、打开后点开第一个文件夹“PlayerStateData”里的“ShipOwnership”,找到待修改的飞船和待修改的代码。
3. 找到并删除需要再次领取的远征奖励:点击 ID 排序,查找^EXPD_ 开头的产品。举例子,飞船‘边界先驱’,Name 为Boundary Herald,ID 为^EXPD_SHIP16,选择它,按 Remove Selected按钮将其删除。 4. 在顶部菜单左上角,点击Edit按键,找到Edit Raw JSON。 5. 左侧菜单找到 Base Context,点击箭头展开,找到PlayerStateD...
After many tedious searches trying to find a solution, I came across a save editor that allowed me to make a change to the save file, but it was very limited in what it could do, and unless you were very careful you could screw up your save file completely. So I decided to rewrite ...
6. 展开菜单拉到底部找到RedeemedSeasonRewards,打开后从右侧对话框找到边界先驱的ID:^EXPD_SHIP16,并将其及所在行删除,注意上下文格式。 7. 最后不要忘了保存,顶部菜单找到Main,对话框内选择 Save Changes,完成后游戏内读档。 总结: 部分玩家在修改存档或遇到bug时会出现远征奖励显示可领取,但点击后无反应,奖励不...
Known as the Starborn Runner, this addition really brought a smile to my face, and to those of many other oldschool gamers out there. Featuring “a localized vector field allowing it to hover above solid planes,” this new ship isvery clearlya nod from Hello Games to theWipeoutseries ( ...
Clean Ship Space map v.1.7 - mod File Type: mod, File Size: 2.2 KB, Downloads: 322, Last 7 days: 1, Last Update: June 4, 2024 No Man's Sky - Clean Ship Space map v.1.7 - mod - 2.2 KB No High Clouds v.2.4 - mod File Type: mod, File Size: 3.7 KB, Downloads: 197,...
Squadron Wingmans (NPC Race, NPC Seed, Ship Type, Ship Seed, Pilot Rank, etc.) Frigates Info and Stats Companions / Pets (Name, Seed, Biome, Type, etc.) Settlements (Population, Happiness, Production, Upkeep, Debt, etc.) Milestones / Reputation ...
NMSSaveEditor.exe NMSSaveEditor.jar NMSSaveEditor.zip VERSION.txt 7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions 7 CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ # Change Log ## 1.13.4 - Update (25 April 2023) - Improved delete/import functionality for multitool/ship/companion lists - Added missing ...
Squadron Wingmans (NPC Race, NPC Seed, Ship Type, Ship Seed, Pilot Rank, etc.) Frigates Info and Stats Companions / Pets (Name, Seed, Biome, Type, etc.) Settlements (Population, Happiness, Production, Upkeep, Debt, etc.) Milestones / Reputation ...