NPC (Buy ship from NPC first)Free/Reskin/Reseed (Enter cockpit and go)Exchange Screen S-Class FighterHaulerExplorerShuttleExoticLivingSolarSentinelFreighterPlayerFreighterRedOrangeYellowGreenCyanBluePurplePinkWhiteGray DarkRed DarkOrange DarkYellow DarkGreen DarkCyan DarkBlue DarkPurple DarkPink DarkGrayBlack...
Currencies (Units, Nanites and Quicksilver) Base stats for Exosuit, Multitools, Ships and Freighter (Health, Shield, Type, Class, Seed, etc.) Squadron Wingmans (NPC Race, NPC Seed, Ship Type, Ship Seed, Pilot Rank, etc.) Frigates Info and Stats Companions / Pets (Name, Seed, Biome,...
on November 26th, what would be the first major update to the game,Foundationv1.1, dropped without warning. It brought a number of significant enhancements, basebuilding and freighters chief among them. But the game
Backup/Restore of planet/freighter base structures, usable across different systems or saves. Ability to manage your entire fleet of frigates. Ability to manage your list of companions/pets. Ability to manage your settlements/traits/production. ...
The file NMSSaveEditor v.1.8.7 is a modification for No Man's Sky, a(n) action game. Download for free. File Size: 15.2 MB
Backup/Restore of Base/Freighter Structures (Usable across different systems or saves) Delete or Export/Import Multitools, Ships and Frigates. Edit and toggle: Known Technologies, Products, Words and Glyphs. Your account data and unlocks.
Backup/Restore of planet/freighter base structures, usable across different systems or saves. Ability to manage your entire fleet of frigates. Ability to manage your list of companions/pets. Ability to manage your settlements/traits/production. Ability to update your account data and unlocks. Now ...
Easy to use UI. Ability to customise Look & Feel (Light / Dark modes, inventory scaling) Change data values: Currencies (Units, Nanites and Quicksilver) Base stats for Exosuit, Multitools, Ships and Freighter (Health, Shield, Type, Class, Seed, etc.) ...
Currencies (Units, Nanites and Quicksilver) Base stats for Exosuit, Multitools, Ships and Freighter (Health, Shield, Type, Class, Seed, etc.) Squadron Wingmans (NPC Race, NPC Seed, Ship Type, Ship Seed, Pilot Rank, etc.) Frigates Info and Stats Companions / Pets (Name, Seed, Biome,...