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publicfinalAliasBuilderalias(finalAliasalias){Aliasexisting=m_aliases.get(alias.getAlias());if(existing==null){m_aliases.put(alias.getAlias(),alias);}else{if(alias.hasJoinCondition()){if(existing.hasJoinCondition()){// Combine the JOIN conditionsLOG.debug("alias '{}' already associated with...
The information and the license conditions in the OSS_SINEC-NMS_99.pdf file must be passed on to the purchasing party to avoid license infringements by the reseller or purchasing party. OSS_SINEC-NMS_99.pdf (16.0 MB)(SHA-256) You can find the source code of th...
This provides a viable reference for accurate yield estimation under intensive or non-intensive growing conditions for bulk crop such as bananas. To ensure speed and accuracy of detection, this study used YOLOv4 as the target detection network and expanded the training set by using mosaic data ...
The SEC maintains a file number list of NMS Plans at the following link: Consolidated Audit Trail (“CAT”) NMS Plan The CAT NMS Plan governs the development, implementation and maintenance of the Consolidated Audit Trail. The CAT tracks orders...
publicfinalAliasBuilderalias(finalAliasalias){Aliasexisting=m_aliases.get(alias.getAlias());if(existing==null){m_aliases.put(alias.getAlias(),alias);}else{if(alias.hasJoinCondition()){if(existing.hasJoinCondition()){// Combine the JOIN conditionsLOG.debug("alias '{}' already associated with...
16 Description: If conditions are valid to continue processing outage as a FLISR event, FLISR will trace downstream in the network model and identify downstream SCADA devices and assemble a list of RTU IDs. 2.9 Request Demand Scan for Identified Devices (RTUs) Actor/Role: NMS Description: After...
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used ...
G149 If turbulent conditions are expected at the liquid surface, use a stilling well, or hoistthe displacer during turbulenceG149 If the measurement is carried out under turbulent condition, consultEndress+Hauser before operation.The turbulent condition may influence the accuracy of the readingor ...
–familiarwiththeindividualoperationconditionsofthe•Replacedefectiveseal/gasketswithgenuinepartsfrom devices.Endress+Hauseronly. –forEx-certifiedmeasuringdevices:alsotrainedin•Ifthreadsaredamagedordefective,themeasuringdevice explosionprotection.mustberepaired. •Themeasuringdeviceisenergized.Danger:Riskofelectric...