总体概要: 非极大值抑制NMS是目标检测常用的后处理算法,用于剔除冗余检测框,本文将对可以提升精度的各种NMS方法及其变体进行阶段性总结。 对NMS进行分类,大致可分为以下六种,这里是依据它们在各自论文中的核心论点进行分类,这些算法可以同时属于多种类别。 分类优先:传统NMS,Soft-NMS (ICCV 2017) 定位优先:IoU-...
父条目: Combining information from multi-stream features using deep neural network in speech recognition 基于深度神经网络的多流特征信息融合技术在语音识别中的应用 摘要: 本文的主题是在混合人工神经网络(ANN) -隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)框架下集成多流特征。研究了多流组合中对...电脑...
Ten best accessories for iPhone 7. Part 1 Ten best accessories for iPhone 7. Part 2 Ten days of Kingdom Come: Deliverance It’s over for Skype. What are the real alternatives? The dangers of unsubscribe links and how to avoid them ...
including the ability to defeat and claim a pirate dreadnaught, a new mechanism for starting expeditions from within an existing savegame, a rework of the Atlas Path mission, and the Atlas Sceptre staff Multi-Tool. But, of
import ultralytics from ultralytics import YOLO import os import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm #%% ultralytics.checks() #%% model = YOLO(r'D:/StarSeg-Lab/projects/runs/segment/train/weights/best.pt') #%% path_video = r'D:/StarSeg-Lab/data/Timelapses/PycnoMonitor_3per/3per_week0_baseli...
The Best Open-Source Network Monitoring Software: 1. Zabbix The interesting thing aboutZabbixis that there is no enterprise-level paid version, it's all completely open-source and free. They do offer some consulting and monitoring contracts, but the software itself is wide open. It is one of...
OpenNMS也支持RADIUS验证,RANCID整合,自动生成网络监视图,并直接跟几种流行的跟踪系统整合,如象Best Practical's Request Tracker(http://bestpractical.com/rt/)。系统管理员对它提供的能通过iPhone监视数据感到高兴,并且也支持如 Asterisk和微博的事件通知。
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