NMR characterization of functional groups: 9-isomer ratios of available chloromethylstyrene mixturesdoi:10.1002/mrc.1260230316From the assignments of the 1H and 13C 11.7 tesla NMR spectra of available mixtures of m- and p-chloromethylstyrene, the proportion of the meta and para compounds are easily...
While the properties of biochar are closely related to its functional groups, it is unclear under what conditions biochar develops its properties. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) correlation spectroscopy was for the first time applied to investigate the...
These two functional groups are probably the origin of phytotoxicity expression in compost quality tests. Thus, a simple and precise quality test could be performed to evaluate directly the phytotoxicity and maturity of compost. 展开 关键词: NMR-13C Tomato residue Compost Phytotoxicity C/Nratio ...
values are quite important to 13 C NMR spectra, they are much longer for C and can dramatically influence signal intensities. Quaternary carbons (including most carbonyl carbons) have long relaxation times because they have no attached Hs. To obtain a decent spectrum of this comp...
T1 values are quite important to 13C NMR spectra, they are much longer for C and can dramatically influence signal intensities. Quaternary carbons (including most carbonyl carbons) have long relaxation times because they have no attached Hs. To obtain a decent spectrum of this compound, it would...
Density functional theory (DFT) has been used to investigate the structural dependencies of NMR spin-coupling constants (J-couplings) involving the exchangeable hydroxyl protons of saccharides. 3JHCOH, 3JCCOH, and 2JCOH values were calculated at different positions in model aldopyranosyl rings as ...
Htotalisthemagneticfield(includingtheeffectoftheneighboringgroups)influencingprotonHaandH^yisthemagneticmomentofHb •Haprotonresonancewilloccurattwodifferentvaluesoftheappliedfield,andprotonHawillhavetwodifferentresonancefrequencies.Therefore,thesignalofprotonHawillsplitintoadoublet.Thisphenomenoniscalledspin-spin...
values, either hydrogen or carbon, based only on the transverserelaxation time(T 2 Introduction Petroleum comes from the deposition and decomposition of organic matter and sediments over time under appropriate conditions of pressure and heat [1], [2], [3]. The chemical composition of the oils ...
In particular, when relating the experimentally measured conductivity to the conductivity calculated from experimental diffusion values, the diffusion-calculated conductivity was found to be too high in all ILs. The degree of the discrepancy depended on the identity of both the cation and anion and ...
that is responsible for the protein unfolding at temperatures above 30 °C and at physiological pH values of ~7.419,20. This assures rapid inactivation of the toxin once Listeria is released from the phagolysosome into the cytosol. At pH values below 6.0, characteristic to phagolysosome compart...