NMR spectroscopy is complementary to other analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and calorimetry for the characterization of simple and complex starch systems.doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2016.10.015Fan ZhuElsevier LtdFood HydrocolloidsZhu F. NMR spectroscopy of starch systems [J]. Food Hydroeol...
Control of viscosity in starch and polysaccharide solutions with ultrasound after gelatinization The depolymerization process of the starch has been also monitored by NMR spectroscopy. The elucidated merits of the ultrasonic process are: 1) the process... Y Iida,T Tuziuti,K Yasui,... - 《Innovati...
applicationofNMRtostarchresearchsuchasgranularstructure,gelatinization,retrogradation,modifiedstarch andSOonathomeandabroad. Keywords:starch;NMR;granularstructure;gelatinization;retrogradation;modifiedstarch 中图分类号:TS233文献标识码:A文章编号:1002—0306(2008)o4一O317一o4 ...
This work demonstrates the potential of NMR spectroscopy in combination with metabolomic data analysis for the screening of large sets of fractions. Graphical abstract Download: Download high-res image (135KB) Download: Download full-size image
Keywords: food processing technology; microwave heating; potato starch; NMR; ordered structures 0 引言微波加热是一种利用介电损耗原理,通过高频电场对物料作用,使物料分子产生微观运动和摩擦,进而将电磁能转化为热能,实现物料内外共同加热的新型加热方法[1],已被广泛应用于食品加工和消费领域,如复热[2]、焙烤、...
A multi-channel digital acquisition system for nuclear spectroscopy experiments The NMR relaxation times T1 and T2 for starch polysaccharides in solution were employed for the characterization of bound and free water. The Solomon equ... S Riboldi,F Zocca,F Camera,... - Starch - Stärke 被引量...
NMR spectroscopypolysaccharidesBranched starch polysaccharides are capable of binding multiple hydrophobic guests, but their exploitation as multivalent hosts and in functional materials is limited by their structural complexity and diversity. Linear (14)-linked glucose oligosaccharides are known to bind ...
固体核磁共振(Solid-State NMR)研究新材料的结构和功能。 传统的结构研究方法,如X射线衍射等,表征的是固体物质中的 … baike.baidu.com|基于15个网页 2. 固态核磁共振仪 1-4固态核磁共振仪(Solid-state NMR)…..………111-4-1 Zeeman 作用力………..121-4-… thesis.lib.ncu.edu.tw|基于11个网页 3...
All DPMAS 13C NMR spectra were collected using the Elimination of Artifacts in NMR Spectroscopy (EASY) suppression sequence (Jaeger and Hemman, 2014) to remove probe background (Supplementary Material S1). All free-induction decay was apodized using exponential multiplication with a line broadening ...
Vegetable oils and fats may be used as cheap substitutes for milk fat to manufacture imitation cheese or imitation ice cream. In this study, 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of t...