As is now widely known, Jean Jeener laid down the foundations in that lecture of two – and higher – dimensional NMR spectroscopy by proposing the homonuclear COSY experiment. Jeener realized that the new proposal would open the door towards protein NMR and molecular structure determinations, ...
How anion chaotrope changes the local structure of water: Insights from photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical modeling of SCN- water clusters. J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 1518–1525 (2016). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zou, Q., Bennion, B. J., Daggett, V. & Murphy, K. P. The...
This broadening is evidence of a chemical exchange process well known in NMR spectroscopy [31]. This NMR evidence of the chemical exchange provided an independent proof that we have two forms of the same substance; the mini-form interchanged with the main form during the NMR experiment. The ...
molecules Article Prediction of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Mexican Propolis by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Data Analysis J. Fausto Rivero-Cruz 1, Eduardo Rodríguez de San Miguel 1 ID , Sergio Robles-Obregón 1, Circe C. Hernández-Espino 2, Blanca E. Rivero-Cruz 1, ...