In principle, δ1H should reflect the acid strength of Si–OH–Al bridging hydroxyl group, shifting to low field as the polarization of the O–H bond, and thus the acid strength, increases. However, δ1H can be strongly affected by hydrogen bonds to framework oxygen atoms, thus giving ...
For these reasons, all experiments were carried out using 5 mM acetate, pH 5.8, conditions that gave reproducible peak positions while using only a very low concentration of additional solutes. Titrations with the Hofmeister anions thiocyanate, chloride, and sulfate Titrations were conducted on ...
The use of a spatially shifting excitation to reduce the inter-scan delay was already mentioned in Section 6.2 for rapid-pulsing pure shift methods [118]. The same groups have used the combination of a selective excitation pulse and a gradient for the real-time 1H 1D NMR monitoring of a dy...
this formation mechanism, we monitored the ligands during NC synthesis by way of in situ liquid-state31P-NMR (Supplementary Fig.12). The31P-NMR peak of free AEP in solution is a clear narrow triplet. Upon the initial formation of NCs, this triplet broadens probably due to the restricted m...
the second arginine residues of the C-terminal tail, (iii) the linker residues are unstructured, show a degree of flexibility while remaining ordered relative to the micelle, and (iv) the helix–linker–helix structure is bent, shifting the linker closer to the charged phosphoglycerol headgroups...
In the D150N mutant, the peak positions were slightly different from those in the wild type (Fig. 4c). If the observed differences in the peak positions reflect the shift in the conformational equilibrium in the D150N mutant, then the corresponding 1H-13C MQ chemical shift differences, that...
We show that allosteric signal transmission initiated by agonist binding leads to the population of different inactive and pre-active receptor states that are in equilibrium with each other, gradually shifting the receptor towards a more active state as higher efficacy ligands are used. Coupling of ...
7A). In contrast to our observation of a discrete shift in the conformation of the carboxyl terminus of ChiT from a ground to an activated state as followed by shifting of the amide 1H, 15N cross-peak of Phe-350, solution NMR studies utilizing a segmental isotope-labeled Gα prepared ...
Further, a spectral alignment method is needed for an advanced correction of the peak shifting. Binning (also known as bucketing) is the most commonly used spectral alignment method. The binning process involves dividing the NMR spectrum into a set of equally sized intervals (between 0.01 and ...
As DPFSE-NMR experiments were performed with just 16 scans, the signal to noise ratio for this peak could be greatly improved by additional scans. The water-soluble oligosaccharides of all dried AQ powders were mainly composed of sucrose and stachyose (No. 15 and 16, marked in black, ...