Robust analysisExperimental designMultivariate methods based on curve resolution outperform single channel methods in the analysis of diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) NMR data in terms of accuracy and ease of interpretation, especially for systems with large spectral overlap. In this paper, the ...
The review of Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy informs about biomolecular NMR data analysis. It focuses on the use of software tools for processing and analyzing NMR data for determining the three-dimensional structures of proteins and characterizing other biophysical properties of these...
No 13C or 33S NMR data has been reported for any 1,2-dithiocin derivatives. Sign in to download full-size image 70. Mass spectral analysis of dibenzo[c,g] derivatives (71) and (72) revealed the anticipated parent ions; no fragmentation patterns were reported 〈80ZOR384〉. The ...
1点击主菜单的Analysis2选择T1/T2 Relaxation3点击提取部分FID4点击5键入16点击7. 调相位8. 调基线7点击定义范围8点击9点击定义区域10利用鼠标左键和光标定义区域11点击12点击13选择Export Region To Relaxation Module15在指南窗口中,点击弛豫窗口16启用Intensity17在指南窗口中,点击拟合函数18点击19在Fitting Function...
主成分分析(Principal component analysis, PCA) 层次聚类分析(Hierarchical clustering analysis, HCA) 非线性映射(Nonlinear innuendo analysis, NLM) 分级聚类法(hierarchical cluster analysis, HCA)等非监督分类方法 以及K最邻近法(K-nearest neighbor classification method, K-NN) 偏最小二乘法-判别分析(Partial le...
In this paper, we present CcpNmr version-3, the latest software release from the Collaborative Computational Project for NMR, for all aspects of NMR data analysis, including liquid- and solid-state NMR data. This software has been designed to be simple, functional and flexible, and aims to ...
P. Koehl. Linear Prediction Spectral Analysis of NMR Data. Progr. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Spectrosc., 34, 257 (1999).Koehl P., "Linear prediction spectral analysis of NMR data.", Prog. NMR Spectrosc., 34, 257-299, 1999.P. Koehl, Linear prediction spectral analysis of NMR data, Prog. ...
Data toolkits for processing NMR, MALDI MSI, MALDI single cell, Raman Spectroscopy, LC-MS and GC-MS raw data, chemoinformatics data analysis and data visualization. - xieguigang/mzkit
NMR Data Processing and Analysis 114 Downloads Simulation of Rabi Flopping in a Two Level Atom using Finite Difference Method 463 Downloads Breit-Rabi diagram for alkali-metal atoms 97 Downloads Categories MATLAB > Language Fundamentals > Data Types > Data Type Conversion Find more on Data ...
Data analysis requires either execution of angular averages, as for a powder sample, or determination of the weighting function, as for an oriented sample. Development of expansions of the above exponential forms in spherical harmonics for use in such data analysis is initiated. This development ...