The ID# will be in parenthesis next to your name) • Mail the checklist and all required docs within 5 days of submitting your filing in NMLS. 8 Request your Individual NMLS Account 9 Click the “Log into NMLS” button in the top right corner of the NMLS Resource Center 10 Select “...
3. Click the NMLS ID Number to select the appropriate individual. 4. Select the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Test – National Component with Uniform State Content and click the Add to Cart button. 5. Click Proceed to Invoice button.
Step 1:Pay for your test enrollment through NMLS. You will need to log into your account via this link:NMLS login page. All test enrollments must be paid for and opened through NMLS before scheduling. Step 2:Schedule your test fin a Prometric Test Center online by contacting Prometric at ...
NMLS is a secured, web-based system that will allow state licensees, companies, branches and loan originators, to apply for, amend, update, or renew licenses online. Each licensed company will have a single record in the NMLS, regardless of the number of licenses they hold or the number of...
Create an account You have been successfully logged in The page will reload automatically. Go to the homepage Sorry something went wrong Login or password are incorrect. Please try again. Try again Sign Up First name* Last name* Email* Password* Your password needs: At least one uppercase le...