Use our Density Freight-Class Calculator to determine the Pounds per Cubic Foot and the freight class. If the shipment is palletized, use the dimensions of the pallet, the combined height of the carton + the pallet, and the total weight of the shipment. Freight...
if you needhelpfinding the correct NMFC code for your product, as this is step 1 in determining your freight class.The NMFC code will tell youhowto class your item. 如果您需要帮助为您的产品找到正确的 NMFC 代码,因为这是确定您的货运等级的第 1 步。NMFC 代码将告诉您如何对您的项目进行分类。
1.Freight Class只有发货LTL 的时候需要填写,是根据产品的实际包装规格情况去; 查询发货等级填写 ;2.NMFC 指的是National Motor Freight Classification,5-7位数字,根据 Freight Class 对应有不同的NMFC code,Google 可以查到 ;3.Flat Pac...
Many carriers and LTL freight brokers offer a freight class calculator that will determine the density and estimated class. These tools are convenient for casual shippers, but keep in mind that they offer only “estimated” classes. 许多承运人和零担货运代理提供货运等级计算器,用于确定密度和估计等级。
UseDeftship's freight class and density calculatorto determine the right freight class for your shipment and get the best possible shipping rates. Are you looking formore tipson shipping and logistics?Contact ustoday to learn how we can help you streamline your operations and reduce costs....