Each LTL shipping item has an NMFC code associated with it. NMFC codes are similar in concept to PLU codes at a grocery store — every item that could be shipped is assigned a code. For example, hardwood flooring is assigned one class at 55 with NMFC #37860, whereas plastic articles are...
Before you can create NMFC codes, you must set up all the LTL freight classes that must be mapped to them. LTL freight classes represent categories of items, whereas NMFC codes are related to specific commodities in each of the 18 freight classes. For more information about how to work with...
New changes have been made to the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) class codes. These changes, issued by the Commodity Classification Standards Board (CCSB), are effective as of January 4, 2020. The following is a sample of the changes that were made. ITEM NMFC DETAILS Definition...
Os códigos National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) ajudam a classificar os items que podem ser enviados. O código NMFC é uma designação que é usada para agrupar mercadorias. Permite que as empresas de transporte avaliem os artigos para envio ao classificar os itens com base ...