A ( R , N ) : given covariate matrix. The covariate matrix can be created by nmfkc.kernel function. Note that identity matrix is used when there are no covariates. X ( P , Q ) : unknown basis matrix. Q is the number of basis (rank) and Q<=min(P,N). C ( Q , R ) : un...
#>NMF#>')# random data that follow an3-rankNMFmodel(withquite some noise:sd=2)X<-syntheticNMF(100,3,20,noise=2)# row annotations and covariates n<-nrow(X)d<-rnorm(n)e<-unlist(mapply(rep,c('X','Y','Z'),10))e<-c(e,rep(NA,n-length(e)))rdata<-data.frame(Var=d,Type=...
package-lock.json 5.0.8 Jun 23, 2021 package.json 5.0.8 Jun 23, 2021 README MIT license Optimize CSS Assets Webpack Plugin A Webpack plugin to optimize \ minimize CSS assets. ⚠️For webpack v5 or above please usecss-minimizer-webpack-plugininstead. ...
rtracklayer: an R package for interfacing with genome browsers SUMMARY: The rtracklayer package supports the integration of existing genome browsers with experimental data analyses performed in R. The user may (i) tran... L Michael,G Robert,C Vincent - 《Bioinformatics》...
Defunct Functions and Classes in the NMF Package
/project/baowenjuan/APP/R-4.1.0/bin/R CMD INSTALL stringi_1.6.2.9005.tar.gz 我们再回到R界面: >install.packages('NMF') 就可以啦~ >library('NMF')Loading required package:pkgmaker Loading required package:registry Attaching package:‘pkgmaker’ ...
R语言NMF包 silhouette.NMF函数使用说明返回R语言NMF包函数列表 功能\作用概述: NMF聚类的轮廓 语法\用法: ## S3 method for class 'NMF' silhouette(x, what = NULL, order = NULL, ...) 参数说明: x : NMF返回的NMF对象。 what : 定义计算轮廓要评估的聚类类型:“样本”用于样本聚类(即targetmatrix...
如果因为网络问题无法下载成功也可以选择手动导入.tgz文件,https://github.com/HazelNuto/RLanguage.git下载Deriv_3.8.5.tgz和neuralnet_1.44.2.tgz两个文件,然后在RStudio中到Tools -> Install Packages… -> 选择Package Archive File 使用’setwd()'设置改变工作目录: ...
factorization. We demonstrate that incorporating unshared features significantly improves integration of single-cell RNA-seq, spatial transcriptomic, SNARE-seq, and cross-species datasets. We have incorporated the UINMF algorithm into the open-source LIGER R package (https://github.com/welch-lab/liger...