值得注意的是,nmea_navsat_driver主要有三个节点,一个是刚刚用到的nmea_topic_serial_reader ,负责把串口读到的GPS数据发布到ROS里面,话题为/nmea_sentence;另一个是nmea_topic_driver,这个节点负责订阅 /nmea_sentence话题,并把该话题里的数据分别解析成如下的形式发布sensor_msgs/NavSatFix、geometry_msgs/TwistStamp...
37*70 Name MsgID NumMsgs MsgNum NumSatView SatID1 Elevation1 Azimuth1 C/No1 SatID2 Elevation2 Azimuth2 C/No2 SatID3 Elevation3 Azimuth3 C/No3 SatID4 Elevation4 Azimuth4 C/No4 ChkSum EOL Description Type GSV Header Total number of GSV sentences Sentence number (of the total) Number ...
You need to add an event-listener for the completion of the task and invoke the update method with a sentence you want to process. There are much more examples in the examples folder.const gps = new GPS; // Add an event listener on all protocols gps.on('data', parsed => { console...
If your GPS receiver outputs very long sentences, consider increasingMINMEA_MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTHin your build environment. Fractional number format Internally, minmea stores fractional numbers as pairs of two integers:{value, scale}. For example, a value of"-123.456"would be parsed as{-123456, 1000...
(&nbuf, &msg)) { evlen = nmea_parse(evbuf, MSGSZ, &msg); foo(txbuf, txlen); } } the buffer sizes will vary depending on the device you're dealing with and your intentions for it, but, MSGSZ should always be at least as big as the longest possible sentence used to ...