[题目]如图.在矩形ABCD中.AB=2.BC=4.点M.N分别在边AD和BC上.沿MN折叠四边形ABCD.使点A.B分别落在A1.B1处.得四边形A1B1NM.其中点B1在DC上.过点M作ME⊥BC于点E.连接BB1 . 给出下列结论:①∠MNB1=∠ABB1,②△MEN∽△BCB1,③ 的值为定值,④当B1C= DC时.AM= .其中正确结论的序号
room and when I got to the door there was someone already in the room. He checked me into a third room and it was my own. It was a little stressful going back and forth to the office and waiting for the staff to check which rooms were available. All in all it...
Hi, I’m Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC. I am a doctor, researcher, author, and health enthusiast. I practice Functional Medicine with an emphasis on natural and nutritional solutions. I give smart, busy people who are suffering from symptoms of chronic illness simple steps to get better, and get...
W6SUxAM/5Gsh1loEtOj76Z1LN5NPPcC2Y1I paJahthWAoXDSaeTCYNqlZpKUvRjOWkWuQJxgcjosSCO2HbQa5IHbqlOh5At94PrczGxacr5FIwQ BtBEGhDjTlHzMd4lGzGrQEDFGqwHiVLMeYB9OA3smKwKKK3KsZZkATRtEfVTq6J50JNmCW/FqR5q EYm9cTM9XeJpPCIBTDkdXj0UZhZ+n80FiCreXpV3dej6aqJyHnUrmD50vmxSDEqcjlTUwKI1VdxW /V1hh6juu...
I am surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I want to go home Oh I miss you you know Let me go home I've had my run Baby I'm done I'm coming back home Let me go home It'll all be alright I'll be home tonight ...
5.如图.正方形ABCD的边长为2.点E.F分别是DC和BC两边上的动点且始终保持∠EAF=45°.连接AE与AF交DB于点N.M.下列结论:①△ADM∽△NBA,②△CEF的周长始终保持不变其值是4,③AE×AM=AF×AN,④DN2+BM2=NM2.其中正确的结论是( )A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④D.①③④
I liked that the room had an AC. You get good value for what you pay.” M Mihaela 美国 “Întâmplător am dat peste această locație ...și bine am făcut că am optat să mă cazez aici, personalul f săritor cum rar mai întâlnești, mâncare f......
Definitely recommend for those wanting to watch something with the younger ones, as I am under 16 and my dad is nearly 60, and we both enjoyed watching it together. I rate this a solid 8/10, as it's worth the watch! Definitely good if you aren't sure of what to watch when you ...
@I_AM_汪小媛儿 fong球了…这大津南突如其来确诊病例疫情,我又担心起咸水的俩项目跟辛庄兵站,毕竟仅存的几个项目了🙊虽然但是…我还是乖乖躺着养腰吧…毕竟津南同事多…我还坐了两天一号线…说不准什么时候就要叫我做核酸去了…明儿再写报告吧…养精蓄锐...展开全文c 1 10 ñ赞 2022-1-8 12:52...
若单项式am﹣1b2与的和仍是单项式,则nm的值是( ) A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9试题答案 在线课程 练习册系列答案 金星教育中考夺冠抢分练系列答案 大中考学法大视野光明日报出版社系列答案 万唯教育中考解答题专项集训系列答案 超能学典江苏13大市中考试卷分类汇编系列答案 经纶学典江苏13大市中考试卷汇编四色卷...