set [ifname] ifname [autoconnect {yes | no}] [managed {yes | no}] 设置设备属性。 connect ifname 连接设备。NetworkManager将尝试找到将被激活的适当连接。它还将考虑未设置为自动连接的连接。 如果不存在兼容的连接,将创建并激活具有默认设置的新配置文件。这将nmcli connection up ifname“$DEVICE”与nm...
2.5.3 设置设备属性(set) set可以设置设备是否自动连接(autoconnect)以及是否被NetworkManager进行管理(managed),格式为: 代码语言:bash
启用/禁用网络接口 nmcli device set eth0 managed no nmcli device set eth0 managed yes 为连接设置静态 IP 为以太网连接设置静态 IP 地址 nmcli connection modify <connection_name> ipv4.addresses <IP>/24 ipv4.gateway <gateway> ipv4.dns "<DNS>" nmcli connection up <connection_name> # 示例 nmcli ...
nmcli device set eth0 managed no nmcli device set eth0 managed yes 为连接设置静态 IP 为以太网连接设置静态 IP 地址 nmcli connection modify <connection_name> ipv4.addresses <IP>/24 ipv4.gateway <gateway> ipv4.dns "<DNS>" nmcli connection up <connection_name> # 示例 nmcli connection modify ...
set [ifname]<ifname>[autoconnect yes|no] [managed yes|no] connect<ifname>reapply<ifname>modify<ifname>([+|-]<setting>.<property><value>)+ disconnect<ifname>... delete<ifname>... monitor<ifname>... wifi [list [ifname<ifname>] [bssid<BSSID>] [--rescan yes|no|auto]] ...
set [ifname] ifname [ autoconnect { yes | no } ] [ managed { yes | no } ] Set device properties. connect ifname Connect the device. NetworkManager will try to find a suitable connection that will be activated. It will also consider connections that are not set to auto connect.If no...
set [ifname] ifname [ autoconnect { yes | no } ] [ managed { yes | no } ] Set device properties. connect ifname Connect the device. NetworkManager will try to find a suitable connection that will be activated. It will also consider connections that are not set to auto connect.If no...
set [ifname] ifname [ autoconnect { yes | no } ] [ managed { yes | no } ] Set device properties. connect ifname Connect the device. NetworkManager will try to find a suitable connection that will be activated. It will also consider connections that are not set to auto connect.If ...
set [ifname] ifname [ autoconnect { yes | no } ] [ managed { yes | no } ] Set device properties. connect ifname Connect the device. NetworkManager will try to find a suitable connection that will be activated. It will also consider connections that are not set to auto connect.If no...