<ip address of the NMC> Log into the NMC device using your login . Type "bin" for binary mode and "hash" forhash marks (optional) indicating the transfer is in progress. Once logged in, type get<space>config.ini NOTE: This will save the config.ini file your current working ...
To determine whether you have downloaded the firmware upgrade which is compatible with your Modular PDU, log in to the Modular PDU’s Web interface before you attempt the firmware upgrade. There are two ways to determine the firmware version your PDU is using: ...
Can you log in using a serial cable with the default password "admin"? If so, you should be able to set a new password. I work at HPE HPE Support Center offers support for your HPE services and products when and how you need it. Get started with HPE Support Center today. [Any ...
The modular battery packs can connect in series for systems up to 500 V and in parallel for different energy capacities. Turntide also supplies a range of matched inverters to streamline vehicle integration and shorten time to market. “The construction equipment industry and other commercial vehicle...
nmc技术使用手册智能监控112.pdf,目录 1. 前言7 2. 开始使用NMC8 2.1. 概述8 2.1.1. 名词解释8 2.1.2. 技术架构9 2.1.3. 服务之间的关系 10 2.1.4. 特性 10 2.1.5. 带来的好处 11 2.1.6. 基于NMC 的插件开发 11 2.2. 部署和使用 11 2.2.1. 单机的部署 11 2.2.2. 集群的部署
2 Connect a TTY configured for 9600-8N1 (eg, hyperterminal, or Serial) to the Console cable. 3 Press return until "User Name" appears... the default username/password is: apc/apc ... 4 Use the command: tcpip (with the following switches) to configure the IP device addresses: ...
./conf/sql/logsql.cfg 日志分析预置脚本配置文件。 第二部分:实时监控 概述 实时监控是常规的监控方法,问题正在发生,或者你正在客户现场,实时监控可以让你 第一时间扑捉到当前系统正在发生什么,问题的定位和解决方案随之而来。NMC 支持实时 监控的服务主要的包括:OverView,进程监控,线程监控,数据库监控,CPU, ...
比如: <databaseUrl>jdbc:oracle:thin:(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=1)(PORT=1521)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=2)(PORT=1521)(LOAD_BALANCE=yes)(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME=ncdata)</databaseUrl>改成以下两个数据源:...
But the default user name and password in admin https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=c02881337https://support.hpe.com/hpesc/public/docDisplay?docId=c04111557https://support.hpe.com/connect/s/softwaredetails?language=en_US&collectionId=MTX-58061ce544304dbdhttps://support.hpe...
NCLOG日志抽取 35 抽取JVM日志 40 抽取CPU 42 抽取内存日志 44 监控消息和快照信息日志 46 操作员信息 47 消息中心 48 功能概述 48 监控客户端功能 50 安全设置 52 功能概述 52 监控客户端功能 52 参数设置 53 功能概述 53 监控客户端功能 53 应用案例一 54 OVERVIEW 54 进程监控 54 线程监控 56 日志抽取...