Setting port ranges correctly during your scans is a task you often need to do when running Nmap scans. You can also use this to filter machines that run a service on a specific port, for example, finding all the SMB servers open in port445. Narrowing down the port list also optimizes ...
协议的特定端口 Specific Ports by Protocols 默认情况下,端口扫描更喜欢枚举 TCP 端口的状态,但如果您想扫描 TCP 端口和 UDP 端口,请执行以下命令: 语法:nmap -pT:25,U:53 <目标> 端口服务名称 Port Service name 如果您不知道用于枚举的准确端口号,那么您也可以提及用于端口状态扫描的服务名称。 语法:nmap –...
To use Nmap to scan a specific port use the-p<port>flag to define the port followed by the-sUflag to enable UDP scan before specifying the target, to scan LinuxHint for the 123 UDP NTP port run: #nmap-p123-sU The following example is an aggressive scan againsthttps://...
Scanning a specific port At its most basic, Nmap can scan a single port by just specifying the target port number with the-poption. Let’s see some popular port scan examples: Apache Port80and443: Port80is the default port number for HTTP requests on Apache. You can scan it with Nmap ...
Port range: # nmap -p1-100 localhost All ports: # nmap -p- localhost Specific ports by protocols: # nmap -pT:25,U:53 <target> Service name: # nmap -p smtp <target> Service name wildcards: # nmap -p smtp* <target> Only ports registered in Nmap services: # nmap...
2) 获取开放指定端口的服务器列表(Get list of servers with a specific port open) nmap -sT -p 80 -oG – 192.168.1.* | grep open 改变-p的参数可指定端口,查看nmap主页寻找指定地址范围的不同方式。 3) 获取网络中所有存活的主机:Find all active IP addresses in a network ...
To scan a specific port we use the -p option, followed by the port: nmap -p 22 Output Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2021-05-09 16:26 EEST Nmap scan report for (
获取开放指定端口的服务器列表(Get list of servers with a specific port open) nmap -sT -p 80 -oG – 192.168.66.* | grep open 1. 获取网络中所有存活的主机:Find all active IP addresses in a network nmap -sP 192.168.66.* 1. 不准确,该网络中还有3台存活主机192.168.66.100 19...
:param nmap_search_path: tupple of string where to search for nmap executable. Change this if you want to use a specific version of nmap. :returns: nothing 2.扫描器方法 代码语言:js 复制 scan(self,hosts='',ports=None,arguments='-sV',sudo=False)Scan given hosts ...
nmap-sP192.168.1/255 -vv现实详细的扫描过程 -sS使用SYN半开式扫描,这种扫描方式使得扫描结果更加正确(又称半开放,或 隐身扫描)nmap-vv-sS IP -O大写O代表OS判断主机操作系统 nmap-O IP 延时策略 -T(0-5)默认为3 0即Paranoid模式。为了避开IDS的检测使扫描速度极慢,nmap串所有的扫描,每隔至少5分钟...