SM /mm optical fiber optional, pulse width 5- 50ns adjustable, modulation frequency up to 1MHz 4 Multiwavelength LaserMulti wavelength (2 ~ 20 optional) output, free space or fiber coupling output optional. 5 High Stability LaserWavelength: 257-4800nmmnnm; Stability:...
This paper presents novel 1-V 2.5-MHzontinuous-timeilteror 3G wirelesspplication,abricatedsingtandard 55-nmMOS process.heour-poleilteropology includesingle pole-trackingperationalmplifier (OPAMP)tructureochieve low in-band noise levels,ighut-of-band linearity,ndeduced poweronsumption.nutomaticreq...
As confirmed with the DiskTester sustained transfer results below, the OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 115GB SSD shows impaired performance over its 34nmm 200GB sibling. Whether this is an issue with all SSDs using 25nm flash memory or specific to the 115GB model won’t be clear until other capaci...
Recently, we have shown the possibility to apply b-LN for the conversion of oscillatory deformations to electrical signals [49–52] in vibrational sensors as well as in laminate magnetoelectric composites (b-LN/Metglas®), with a record value of sensitivity to magnetic field as low as 200 ...
In the experiment, a 922 nm tapered amplifier laser pumped a PPKTP frequency doubling crystal in a four-mirror bow-tie cavity and generated a 461 nm laser with a maximum output power of 382 mW, corresponding to a fundamental laser conversion efficiency of 66.2%. The theoretical calculation ...