beWellnm is New Mexico’s Health Insurance Exchange. It’s a marketplace where New Mexicans can learn about health insurance, compare plans and enroll. We help by promoting efforts to educate and enroll New Mexicans in affordable health insurance coverage that promotes better access to timely, hi...
and bodywork sessions are by appointment, Monday-Thursday. As many of my clients are immuno-compromised, I continue to practice safe protocol. This includes requiring masks while in the studio and during the massage session, sanitizing between clients, and using HEPA filters and air-exchange units...
These procedures might incur a large amount of money that we don’t have on hand. Luckily, health insurance exists. It’s always a good thing to stay proactive and invest in important things like health insurance. However, health insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of medical costs. In a...
There are several subliminal messages hid- den in this brief exchange. By mentioning the "two-aspirin" toothache, I give the patient permis- sion to hurt a little, while at the same time suggesting the tooth will only be slightly painful. Incidentally, when I give a patient my unlisted ...
‘assimilation’ – Branton). The illusion of freedom that may be lost by those few who know what is really going on will be a worthy exchange for amazing technology that will come into the hands of the human elite (so they reason) that takes part in...
Alexix Avila New Mexico teen mother lied about not knowing she was pregnant: told boyfriend she had miscarriage. School peers heard he say she wished baby would die. ‘I wish this baby would die.’In new revelations involving aNew Mexicoteen, 18, who to...
We ask them to stand up and support policies designed to get us to a place where politics no longer trumps public health, science, or compassion. Policies that continue to support access to syringe exchange programs for all New Mexicans struggling with an addiction, including our youth. ...
Governor Francisco Cuervo y Valdés established the villa in Tiguex to provide free trade access and facilitate cultural exchange in the region. Beyond forging better relations with the Pueblos, governors were forbearing in their approach to the indigenous peoples, such as was with governor ...
泰康之家养老社区目前在全国布局35城42个项目,已经正式开业运营有19个城市的21个园来自BOSS直聘区。 泰康之家为boss高品质医养连锁国内优质品牌,从国外引进 CCRC可持续照护模式。社区品质和规模排名全球同业第3名。 因位于西安市梁家滩湿地公园的泰康之家“秦园”已经正式动工。 由泰康集团西安城北支公司成立专项组...