下列Project都是类似论文实现那样的demo级的,也不是传统的工程实现,用的方法一般比工业界的高端,非常适合练手用。 文章目录 1.分词 Word Segmentation 2.词预测 Word Prediction 3. 文本蕴涵 Textual Entailment 4.语音识别Automatic Speech Recognition 5. 自动摘要 Automatic Summarisation 6. 文本纠错 Text Correct ...
Steven-Hewitt/Entailment-with-Tensorflow,基于Tensorflow做文本蕴涵,提供数据和代码。 4. 语音识别 Automatic Speech Recognition buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet,基于DeepMind WaveNet和Tensorflow做句子级语音识别。 5. 自动摘要 Automatic Summarisation PKULCWM/PKUSUMSUM,北大万小军老师团队的自动摘要方法汇总,包含了...
End-to-End Speech Emotion Recognition Project using ANN Speech Recognition Macedonian Conclusion NLP project-based learning offers hands-on experience, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This approach promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity while encoura...
Steven-Hewitt/Entailment-with-Tensorflow,基于Tensorflow做文本蕴涵,提供数据和代码。 4. 语音识别 Automatic Speech Recognition buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet,基于DeepMind WaveNet和Tensorflow做句子级语音识别。 5. 自动摘要 Automatic Summarisation PKULCWM/PKUSUMSUM,北大万小军老师团队的自动摘要方法汇总,包含了...
4. 语音识别 Automatic Speech Recognition buriburisuri/speech-to-text-wavenet,基于DeepMind WaveNet和Tensorflow做句子级语音识别。 5. 自动摘要 Automatic Summarisation PKULCWM/PKUSUMSUM,北大万小军老师团队的自动摘要方法汇总,包含了他们大量paper的实现,支持单文档摘要、多文档摘要、topic-focused多文档摘要。
NLP project ideas based on QA systems may also explore context-aware systems, where the model considers the broader context of a conversation or passage to provide more accurate answers. Source Code: Question-Answering Systems 6. Speech Recognition While technically part of the broader field of sp...
首先声明下,今天发的这些Project都是类似论文实现那样的demo级的,也不是传统的工程实现,用的方法一般比工业界的高端,非常适合练手用。 30种NLP任务 1.分词 Word Segmentation chqiwang/convseg ,基于CNN做中文分词,提供数据和代码。 对应的论文Convolutional Neural Network with Word Embeddings for Chinese Word Seg...
文章目录1.分词 Word Segmentation2.词预测 Word Prediction3. 文本蕴涵 Textual Entailment4. 语音识别 Automatic Speech Recognition5. 自动摘要 Automatic Summarisation6. 文本纠错 Text Correct7.字音转换 Grapheme to Phoneme Paraph... nlp 人工智能 练手 ...
A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统 - Hzzhang-nlp/ASRT_SpeechRecognition
Project Overview In this notebook, you will build a deep neural network that functions as part of an end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) pipeline! We begin by investigating the LibriSpeech dataset that will be used to train and evaluate your models. Your algorithm will first convert...