learning: Causality, dynamics, and interactions. ETH Seminar by Prof Michael Muehlebach, Bernhard Schölkopf, Andreas Krause. [past recordings]Motivational Materials:(2002 AI Magazine) Reasoning with Cause and Effect. Judea Pearl. [pdf] (Blog) ML beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal ...
CS25 I Stanford Seminar - Introduction to Transformers - By Andrej Karpathy Best Guide to internalize working of Transformers Visual Guide to Transformer Neural Networks - (Episode 1) Position Embeddings Visual Guide to Transformer Neural Networks - (Episode 2) Multi-Head & Self-Attention Visual...
https://nlp.stanford.edu/seminar/details/pbhattacharyya.pdf Cuong, N. H. H., Kumar, G., & Solanki, V. K. (2021). Blockchain-Based Digital Rights Management Techniques. In Large-Scale Data Streaming, Processing, and Blockchain Security (pp. 168–180). IGI Global. Retrieved from https...
https://nlp.stanford.edu/seminar/details/jdevlin.pdf https://www.lyrn.ai/2019/02/11/xlm-cross-lingual-language-model/ 11.02 https://github.com/noveens/svae_cf https://www.kaggle.com/artgor/how-to-not-overfit 09.02 https://github.com/DiligentPanda/Tencent_Ads_Algo_2018 https://github...
ETH Seminar by Prof Michael Muehlebach, Bernhard Schölkopf, Andreas Krause. [past recordings] Motivational Materials: (2002 AI Magazine) Reasoning with Cause and Effect. Judea Pearl. [pdf] (Blog) ML beyond Curve Fitting: An Intro to Causal Inference and do-Calculus. Ferenc Huszár. [blog] ...
(Global, weekly reading group) Online Causal Inference Seminar. Organized by Stanford, ETH, etc. [speakers] [past recordings] Every Tuesdays at 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 4:30 pm London / 5:30 pm Berlin).Motivational Materials:(