Looking for NLP Projects? Start off with these cool NLP projects to test your strengths & weakness but also help you to gain exposure that can be helpful for boosting your career
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githut 地址:https://github.com/salesforce/LAVIS/tree/main/projects/instructblip 论文动机: 第一,不开源。 第二,数据安全。 第三,算力需求大。 论文方法: InstructBLIP 通过充分利用BLIP-2模型中的Q-Former架构,提出了一种指令感知的视觉特征提取方法。 根据BLIP-2的论文,Q-Former已经分成两个阶段进行了...
Contribute to Dean/uri_nlp_ner_workshop by creating an account on DagsHub. Where people create machine learning projects.
pytorch-wavenet: An implementation of WaveNet with fast generation Tacotron-pytorch: Tacotron: Towards End-to-End Speech Synthesis. AllenNLP: An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch. PyTorch-NLP: Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch pytorchnlp.readthedocs.io ...
pytorch-wavenet: An implementation of WaveNet with fast generation Tacotron-pytorch: Tacotron: Towards End-to-End Speech Synthesis. AllenNLP: An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch. PyTorch-NLP: Text utilities and datasets for PyTorch pytorchnlp.readthedocs.io ...
aorun : Aorun intend to be a Keras with PyTorch as backend. logger : A simple logger for experiments. PyTorch-docset : PyTorch docset! use with Dash, Zeal, Velocity, or LovelyDocs. convert_torch_to_pytorch : Convert torch t7 model to pytorch model and source. ...
Resource:https://github.com/HazyResearch/augmentation_code 数据集 [1] Scalable Metropolis-Hastings for Exact Bayesian Inference with Large Datasets Paper:http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/cornish19a/cornish19a.pdf Resource:https://github.com/12qu/smh ...
All the data and a notebook with all the code can be found in myrepository. Doccano标签工具 我们将执行以下操作: 读取电子邮件数据集,每行有一封电子邮件。 我们将使用Doccano标记工具将电子邮件标记为OIL实体。这是一个手动过程。 我们将标签以JSONL格式保存在文本文件中。
All the data and a notebook with all the code can be found in myrepository. Doccano标签工具 我们将执行以下操作: 读取电子邮件数据集,每行有一封电子邮件。 我们将使用Doccano标记工具将电子邮件标记为OIL实体。这是一个手动过程。 我们将标签以JSONL格式保存在文本文件中。