Tupin, "NL-InSAR: Nonlocal inter- ferogram estimation," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1441-1452, Apr. 2011.Deledalle, C.A., Denis, L., Tupin, F.: NL-InSAR: Nonlo- cal interferogram estimation. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Re- mote Sens. 49(4) (2011)...
In this study, an advanced InSAR time-series analysis technique was applied to obtain the ground subsidence result in Hong Kong International Airport with 29 TerraSAR-X SpotLight images. In oder to impro...
geophysical image processing image denoising radar interferometry radar polarimetry remote sensing by radar synthetic aperture radar InSAR denoising NL-SAR method PolSAR denoising airborne radar images intensity fluctuations interferometric SAR images polarimetric SAR images resolution loss spaceborne radar images ...
Robust geodetic observations of deep slow-slip on the SAF are challenging because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of GPS and InSAR measurements when comparing to the expected sub-millimeter displacements. Near Parkfield, Rousset et al...
6. 利用InSAR研究乌恰地震同震形变 作者: 朱森 刊名: 内陆地震 发表期刊: 2014年1期 页码: 44-49 摘要: 2008年10月5日在新疆乌恰地区39.50°N、73.64°E处发生MW6.7地震,用ROI_PAC软件处理4景日本ALOS卫星数据得到乌恰地震的三维同震形变场.距离向,断层北侧最大位移达......
利用InSAR研究乌恰地震同震形变 2008年10月5日在新疆乌恰地区39.50°N、73.64°E处发生Mw6.7地震,用ROI—PAC软件处理4景日本ALOS卫星数据得到乌恰地震的三维同震形变场。距离向,断层北侧最大位移达39cm,南侧最大位移达36cm;方位向,北侧和南侧的最大位移分别为1.5m和2m。采用Okada弹性位错模型分析该地震的滑动分布,...
Tupin, "NL-InSAR: Nonlocal inter- ferogram estimation," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 1441-1452, Apr. 2011.C.-A. Deledalle, L. Denis, and F. Tupin. NL-InSAR: Nonlocal inter- ferogram estimation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 49(4...
On the one hand, the benefits of employing Nonlocal Interferomtric SAR (NL-InSAR) adaptive filtering techniques over vegetated scenarios to maximize the chances of detecting natural distributed scatterers, such as bare or rocky areas, and deterministic point-like scatterers, such as man-made ...