NKT Photonics to deliver three innovative prototype optical subsystems to IonQ in 2025 for barium-based trapped ion systems. Read more See all news During this collaboration we could assess the good adequacy between their laser and our needs in magnetometry. We were also able to appreciate both ...
Hollow Core 920, 1060, 1300, 1550 Fiber Datasheet Nonlinear photonic crystal fibers Non linear fibers Datasheet Large Mode Area photonic crystal fibers LMA fibers Datasheet Large Mode Area PM photonic crystal fibers LMA PM fibers Datasheet PM 1550 Datasheet Products...
NKT Photonics的LMA-10单模大模场面积光子晶体光纤是针对工作波长400nm-1700nm设计优化的,具有低损耗和几乎稳定不变的模场直径。与传统的单模光纤相比(当工作波长低于单模光纤的截止波长时,实际上是多模光纤),单模光子晶体光纤是永久性的单模传输,是真正意义上的单模。该光纤具有标准的125um的包层直径,与大部分的光纤...
NKT Photonics的LMA-PM-5保偏大模场面积光子晶体光纤是针对工作波长400nm-1200nm设计优化的,具有低损耗和几乎稳定不变的模场直径。与传统的单模光纤相比(当工作波长低于单模光纤的截止波长时,实际上是多模光纤),单模光子晶体光纤是永久性的单模传输,是真正意义上的单模。该光纤具有标准的125um的包层直径,与大部分的...
Our LMA fibers offer broadband single-mode operation, high power handling, low nonlinearities, superior beam quality, low loss, and polarization-maintaining features. We have sealed and connectorized the fiber ends to ensure a hermetic and robust interface. ...
FD7-PM 1) < 400 nm 70% (450-950 nm) 80% @ 600 nm 1) Endlessly single-mode LMA fiber. 2) Valid for FC connectorized fibers. Transmission through collimated fibers is approximately 10% lower. Fibers can be used above the indicated wavelength interval, where transmission falls off smoothly...
NKT Photonics的LMA-8单模大模场面积光子晶体光纤是针对工作波长400nm-1700nm设计优化的,具有低损耗和几乎稳定不变的模场直径。与传统的单模光纤相比(当工作波长低于单模光纤的截止波长时,实际上是多模光纤),单模光子晶体光纤是永久性的单模传输,是真正意义上的单模。该光纤具有标准的125um的包层直径,与大部分的光纤...
Our ytterbium-doped double-clad fibers offer the largest single-mode cores in the world, enabling amplification to unprecedented power levels while keeping mode quality and stability. Get it as fiber or in a gain module. Ytterbium fiber gain modules ...
LMA-8 LMA-10 LMA-12 LMA-15 LMA-20 LMA-25 Single-mode cut-off wavelength1) None None None None None None None Low loss range [nm] 400-1700 400-1700 500-1700 700-1700 500-1700 600-1700 800-1700 Attenuation @ 532 nm [dB/km] ...
DC-250/50-PM-Tm Double-clad active fiberTm-doped Cases from users of Fibers Cases Chirped pulse amplification for the benefit of mankind Set up at the École Polytechnique, on the outskirts of Paris, the project is aiming to demonstrate how a new generation … ...