Location: Nkoranza North District, Bono East Region, Ghana, West Africa, Africa View on OpenStreetMapLatitude7.78016° or 7° 46' 49" north Longitude-1.70086° or 1° 42' 3" west Elevation316 metres (1,037 feet) Open Location Code6CVWQ7JX+3M OpenStreetMap IDnode 179681033...
Registration of business and tax payment in Nkoranza North and South districts in Brong Ahafo region of GhanaTax paymentRegistration of businessCorrespondence analysisIllegal mining is not only dangerous to human life but the other living organisms which support human existence, thus, in turn ...
MotoaseLocality, 5 km north DromankumaVillage, 7 km southwest AdumasaHamlet, 8 km southwest BetodaHamlet, 8 km northeastLandmarks in the AreaAdumasa Pentecost churchChurch, 8 km southwest Nkoranza North district AssemblyGovernment office, 11 km west Boabeng Fiema Monkey SanctuaryTourism office,...