For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said,...
9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou ...
23These also are sayings of the wise: To show partialityin judging is not good: 24Whoever says to the guilty, “You are innocent,” will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. 25But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, ...
and all the nations were tricked by your magic. 24You are guilty of the death of the prophets and God’s holy people and all who have been killed on earth.” 启示录 18:23–24 — American Standard Version (ASV) 23and the light of a lamp shall shine no more at all in thee; and ...
The good news is that this gift is available freely to all who believe. No sin is too foul, and no amount of sin is too great. Without this gift all are guilty, and with this gift each is made righteous. 2 Corinthians 5:21For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, th...
God owes us nothing but justice. He has no obligation at all to bless us with health, wealth, or long life. A civil judge is under no obligation to show mercy to a guilty criminal. If there was an obligation, then it wouldn’t be true mercy. Mercy is unmerited. He is, however, ...
For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. 希伯来书 10:2 — English Standard Version (ESV) 2 Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have...
you have become guilty because of the blood you have shed and have become defiled by the idols you have made. You have brought your days to a close,
22If someone guilty of a capital offenseis put to death and their body is exposed on a pole,23you must not leave the body hanging on the pole overnight.Be sure to buryit that same day, because anyone who is hung on a pole is under God’s curse.You must not desecratethe land the...
9So are we Jews better than others? No! We have already said that Jews and those who are not Jews are all guilty of sin. 罗马书 3:9 — American Standard Version (ASV) 9What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we before laid to the charge both of Jews and Gre...