NK cells were administered intravenously to the CRC-bearing mice and intensified in vivo in combination with low-dose 5-fluorouracil (0.5?mg/kg or 1?mg/Kg) and irradiated tumors with low doses (2?Gy or 4?Gy). Real-time NK cell cytotoxicity demonstrated a synergistic killing effect of a ...
et al. Phase 1/2 Study of DF1001, a novel tri-specific, NK cell engager therapy targeting HER2, in patients with advanced solid tumors: Phase 1 DF1001 monotherapy dose-escalation results. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2023;41(16_suppl):2508-.[...
标签:#cell therapy 在接受评估的10名患者中,与试验中最后一剂后1周的基线相比,30%的患者表现出阿尔茨海默病综合评分的临床改善。 Among 10 patients evaluated, compared with their baseline at 1 week after receiving their final dose in the trial, 30% demonstrated clinical improvement on the Alzheimer’s...
参考资料 [1]Bae WK,et al.A Phase I Study of Locoregional High-Dose Autologous Natural Killer Cell Therapy With Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Front Immunol. 2022 Jun 2;13:879452. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC92...
Bae WK, Lee BC, Kim HJ, Lee JJ, Chung IJ, Cho SB and Koh YS (2022) A Phase I Study of Locoregional High-Dose Autologous Natural Killer Cell Therapy With Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Front. Immunol. 13:879452. doi: 10.338...
1. 两项先天细胞接合器(innate cell engager,ICE)疗法AFM13和AFM24的早期临床结果亮眼。 2. 通过气溶胶形式给药的基因疗法4D-710具有治疗囊性纤维化的潜力,在100%的检测样本中观察到了广泛的递送和表达。 3. 靶向性放射疗法Actimab-A联用化疗治疗复发或难治性急性髓系白血病(AML),使1年及2年生存患者数量...
标签:#cell therapy 在接受评估的10名患者中,与试验中最后一剂后1周的基线相比,30%的患者表现出阿尔茨海默病综合评分的临床改善。 Among 10 patients evaluated, compared with their baseline at 1 week after receiving their final dose in the trial, 30% demonstrated clinical improvement on the Alzheimer’...
2022年6月,Frontiers in immunology期刊上发表了题为“A Phase I Study of Locoregional High-Dose Autologous Natural Killer Cell Therapy With Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Hepatocellular Carcin...
标签:#cell therapy 在接受评估的10名患者中,与试验中最后一剂后1周的基线相比,30%的患者表现出阿尔茨海默病综合评分的临床改善。 Among 10 patients evaluated, compared with their baseline at 1 week after receiving their final dose in the trial, 30% demonstrated clinical improvement on the Alzheimer’...
2、Exploring the NK cell platform for cancer immunotherapy.Nat Rev Cancer. 2021 3、A Phase I Study of Locoregional High-Dose Autologous Natural Killer Cell Therapy With Hepatic Arterial Infusion Chemotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Hepatocellular C...