在NK细胞中,TGF-β信号抑制了由mTOR调节的关键代谢程序,导致其增殖和细胞毒性被抑制。 TGF-β还通过抑制肿瘤浸润NK细胞的多个激活性受体(例如NKG2D受体)的表达来发挥作用。 T cells和NK cells都受到几种主要细胞因子的影响,其中包括IL-2、IL-12、IL-15和IL-18,为增强T细胞和NK细胞功能提供了机会。 目前正在采取...
在正常情况下,T细胞和NK细胞作为适应性免疫和固有免疫的两大主力军,在识别肿瘤细胞方面有很大差异。 近日在Nature Communications(IF=16.6)上发表了题为“Intravenous administration of BCG in mice promotes natural killer and T cell-mediated antitumor immunity in the lung”的文章,报道了静脉注射卡介苗促进肺内NK...
研究还表明,NK细胞在将树突状细胞募集到肿瘤中并提供支持其存活的生态位,从而增强CD8+T细胞反应的能力;而T细胞分泌的IL-2,可激活NK细胞抗肿瘤功能。NK细胞募集树突状细胞,从而激活T细胞反应 当前的免疫疗法,主要基于T细胞的抗肿瘤免疫,肿瘤细胞下调或MHC-1表达丧失介导T细胞免疫的耐药。T细胞和NK细胞的功能互补,...
1.Adjuvant cellular immunotherapy in patients with resected primary non-small cell lung cancer.Oncoimmunology.2015 2.Designing Cancer Immunotherapies That Engage T Cells and NK Cells.Annu Rev Immunol.2023 声明:本文仅作健康科普,不能替代医院的检查和治疗。如有相关疾病,请及时去正规医疗机构就诊,谨遵医嘱。
2024年8月30日, 北京大学生命科学学院邓宏魁团队在期刊《Cell Reports Methods》上发表了题为“Generation of dual-attribute iTNK cells from hPSCs for cancer immunotherapy”的研究论文。在这项研究中,团队从hPSC生成双属性诱导的T-NK(iTNK)细胞,表达细胞毒性T和NK细胞的标志物。单细胞RNA和T细胞受体(TCR)...
Nivolumab plus ipilimumab in advanced non–small-cell lung cancer[J]. New England Journal of Medicine, 2019, 381(21): 2020-2031. [4].Yu X, Harden K D, Gonzalez L C, et al. The surface protein TIGIT suppresses T cell activation by promoting the generation of mature immunoregulatory ...
Moir S et al. Evidence for HIV-associated B cell exhaustion in a dysfunctional memory B cell compartment in HIV-infected viremic individuals. J Exp Med. 2008 Aug 4;205(8):1797-805. Pawelec G. Is There a Positive Side to T Cell Exhaustion? Front Im...
T cell and natural killer (NK) cell populations. The vaccine targets the MICA and MICB (MICA/B) stress proteins expressed by many human cancers as a result of DNA damage2. MICA/B serve as ligands for the activatin...
1.Tarazona R, Lopez-Sejas N, Guerrero B, Hassouneh F, Valhondo I, Pera A, Sanchez-Correa B, Pastor N, Duran E, Alonso C et al: Current progress in NK cell biology and NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII 2020, 69(5):879-899. ...
原发性皮肤外周T细胞淋巴瘤,非特指Primary cutaneous peripheral T-cell lymphoma,NOS 肠道T细胞和NK细胞淋巴组织增生和淋巴瘤 Intestinal T-cell and NK-cell lymphoid proliferations and lymphomas 胃肠道惰性T细胞淋巴瘤Indolent T-cell lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract ...