Track the live flight status of NK1589 from New Orleans to New York with real-time updates on flight arrival, departure times, airport delays, and historical flight information.
NK19 Flight Tracker - Track the real-time flight status of NK 19 live using the FlightStats Global Flight Tracker. See if your flight has been delayed or cancelled and track the live position on a map.
星期五 18:35:21 35.5256 -100.4214 ← 273° 443 821 10,973 FlightAware ADS-B (KLBB) 星期五 18:35:52 35.5294 -100.4995 ← 273° 442 819 10,973 FlightAware ADS-B (KHRX) 星期五 18:36:22 35.5329 -100.5731 ← 273° 442 819 10,973 8 FlightAware ADS-B (KTQK) ...
KBDRBridgeport/Sikorsky Airport082°27.4 KJFKJohn F Kennedy International Airport184°27.8 4N1Greenwood Lake Airport273°28.2 N07Lincoln Park Airport251°28.3 KCDWEssex County Airport241°28.7 KSWFNew York Stewart International Airport324°29.6 Log inorregisterto post comments...
星期六 19:08:56 26.1499 -80.2147 ← 270° 273 505 1,303 -291 FlightAware ADS-B 星期六 19:09:24 26.1499 -80.2530 ← 270° 279 517 1,212 -181 FlightAware ADS-B (KFXE) 星期六 19:09:54 26.1504 -80.2962 ← 271° 276 512 1,128 -298 FlightAware ADS-B (KPMP) ...
星期一 01:17:20 33.8073 129.8154 ↗26° 273 505 2,987 -272 FlightAware ADS-B (FUK / RJFF) 星期一 01:17:36 33.8240 129.8253 ↗26° 261 483 2,941 -159 FlightAware ADS-B (KKJ / RJFR) 星期一 01:18:06 33.8547 129.8437 ↗27° 246 455 2,865 -156 FlightAware ADS-B (FUK / RJF...