南京大学计算机系统基础PA和Lab. Contribute to GeeeekExplorer/NJU-ICS development by creating an account on GitHub.
The ics2021 PA lab of NJU, finished PA0-PA4.4. This PA repository presently implements: nemuis a computer emulator based on RISCV32 architecture with a single CPU, timer, serial, keyboard, VGA and etc; abstract-machinewith trm, ioe, ctx,vme and other kernal libs supports OS implemtation...
NJU PA1 series lab PA1.0: 畅玩马里奥:但是一开始还是不可畅玩马里奥的,心情非常的sad。后来上网冲浪了一会,发现是: /home/han/ics2021/abstract-machine/am/src/native/platform.h 中的: uint8_t sigstack[8192]; 导致的(之前中括号里面写的并不是8192,是英文字母,将字母改成8192就可以流畅运行马里奥了 :...
ready for ics2020 Oct 17, 2020 Repository files navigation README Nanos-lite Nanos-lite is the simplified version of Nanos (http://cslab.nju.edu.cn/opsystem). It is ported to theAM project. It is a two-tasking operating system with the following features ...
emulator nju nemu nju-cs nju-ics x86-emulator Updated Dec 25, 2018 C EricZhu-42 / NJU_Login-out Star 4 Code Issues Pull requests A program about login/logout campus Internet at Nanjing University, based on AutoHotkey. autohotkey nju Updated May 6, 2019 AutoHotkey Star...
Lab 6: Network Driver NJU ICS NEMU 另外一个值得一读的系统就是南京大学计算机导论的课程里面涉及到的NEMU模拟器。这个模拟器是QEMU的最小系统,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,对于我们去学习一些现代操作系统里面的内容是非常充实的。 不仅于此,NJU ICS的主讲老师蒋炎岩是位非常宝藏的老师,乐于分享自己的一些科研内容和世界观...
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions 42 docs/Course/ICS.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ # 关于课程 计算机系统基础(Introduction to Computer System)是南京大学比较有名的一门课程,其附带的PA(Programming Assignment)也是国内比较有名的实验。属于不...
计算机系统基础_ICS_NJUCS_2019spring_homeworkANDlabReport 高级程序设计_AdvancedPrograming_NJUCS_2019fall_homeworkANDlab 2019-转专业到计科经验_How-to-transfer-to-the-Department-of-Computer-Science-and-Technology.md 2019-转专业到计科经验_How-to-transfer-to-the-Department-of-Computer-Science-and-Tech...
This is a fork of the demo of NJU 2013 oslab0(the origin repository has been deleted, but we have a fork of it -- https://github.com/nju-ics/os-lab0). It is ported to NEMU. NEMU-PAL This is a fork of Wei Mingzhi's SDLPAL(https://github.com/CecilHarvey/sdlpal). It is obt...
NJU-ICS-LAB,inklab完成脚本 这是一个lab辅助程序,可以自动完成5个phase,第六个暂时还没做 只需将labhelper.c放在lab文件内,编译执行即可 上传者:weixin_50634787时间:2024-06-26 2020年秋季南京大学_人工智能导论_课程大作业_NJU-AI-IntroAI.zip 2020年秋季南京大学_人工智能导论_课程大作业_NJU-AI-IntroAI ...