坐NJ Transit火车去纽约Penn Station,查票小哥说不收你们的票,你们回来用好了!今天这是什么神仙运气,出行遇好人![笑哈哈]
NJ Transit, Amtrak delays due to minor train derailment Rail service in and out of New York Penn Station is facing up to 30-minute delays after a minor train derailment on Wednesday afternoon. September 25, 2024 5:18pm EDT NJ Transit alert: Rail service in, out of Penn Station New York...
NJ Transit Says Restrooms at Penn Station Now FixedThe New York Penn Station bathrooms that put NJ Transitadministrators to shame last week have...Rouse, Karen
From there you take a NJ Transit train to New York Penn Station. You can find timetables here. (There is a popup that tells you about construction on the line, but if you look at the date it is in the past, so doesn't affect you.) Be sure to buy your...
NEWARK — A call for a "child in distress" Tuesday morning at Newark Penn Station turned into a race against the clock as NJ Transit police officers rushed an infant to a hospital minutes after it was born in a restroom. A video of the incident edited from the body cams worn by office...
The 24 best hotel options near transit to NYC. The best parking and ride options to get from NJ to NYC. NJ to NYC: Subway, Train, Ferry Shuttle.
首先,您可以在纽瓦克机场乘坐NJ Transit的火车,前往纽瓦克火车站(Newark Penn Station)。从那里,您可以换乘前往克拉克的巴士或火车。虽然这种方式可能需要更多的时间,但它为您提供了探索当地交通系统的机会,并且可以在旅途中欣赏到新泽西的城市风光。无论您选择哪种方式,抵达克拉克假日酒店后,您都将体验到舒适的住宿和...
从机场乘坐NJ Transit的火车到达纽瓦克火车站(Newark Penn Station),然后转乘前往帕拉默斯罗歇尔公园的列车,最后步行几分钟即可到达酒店。 另一个附近的机场是约翰·F·肯尼迪国际机场(John F. Kennedy International Airport)。从该机场前往帕拉默斯罗歇尔公园华美达酒店,您可以选择乘坐出租车、预订专车服务或乘坐公共...