“Applications for the current Senior Freeze were mailed in February, but if you didn’t get the application booklet, you can call the state at ‼️(800) 882-6597‼️. That’s important if you’ve moved because the postal service doesn’t forward the application. When a r...
Sen. Amato's bill that would protect eligible Senior Freeze recipients from losing property tax relief when downsizing or relocating into a new home passed committee. Read on... Amato, Rumpf & Myhre: New Combined Property Tax Relief Apps Available For Seniors Sen. Amato, Asm. Rumpf and As...
we would swim before school, then walk a mile to Montclair High and then back again after classes to work out with the swim team. During the cold New Jersey winters, our hair would frequently freeze as we walked to school and then melt & drip all over our shoulders while we sat in cl...
冻结freeze 督促程序 procedure of supervision and urge 独任庭 sole-judge bench 独任仲裁员 sole arbitrator 对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施 compulsory measures against impairment of civil action 对席判决 judgement inter parties 二审trial of second instance ...