The completed ballot can be mailed in, deposited into a secure ballot drop box within the voter’s home county, brought to their respective county board of elections, or handed to a poll worker on Election Day. More than 320 secure ballot drop boxes have been added statewide, as listed bel...
Radio & TV ads are heard everywhere. Lawn signs go up throughout the neighborhood. And debates are announced leading up to Election Day. Not to mention, the sample ballot. Plenty of ways to learn who's running, and to do research on the candidates well ahead of an eleciton. 3) You ...
Voting News: Garland Arkansas election fiasco. Ballot error in NJ Primary. Summit OH ballot failJoyce McCloy
Proxies and absentee ballots are allowed in the bylaws for such issues (not elections) but no mention of voting only in advance by ballot. Shareholders have been asked to bring the ballots to the office or to the door of the meeting. The bylaws say “not withstanding” the section regarding...
2023年7月,拜登在缅因州的奥本制造公司发表振兴经济的讲话 图源:路透社 这就是拜登缘何在国情咨文中推销“前所未有的美国复兴”的叙事:一方面是对“渲染负面情绪”的报道的反击,另一方面是承认他可以采取更多措施向普通美国人介绍他的愿景。与此同...