✔ If one or both of your plates were stolen or lost, you must visit a Motor Vehicle Commission agency to obtain a replacement(s) ✔ At the agency, you will need to complete a Vehicle Registration/Plate Status to report the plates as lost or stolen. This form marks the verification ...
“A user through the app would essentially upload the police report, and then it would read stolen across the plate on the top,” Nunez said. He said that in California and Arizona, the word ‘STOLEN’ replaces the name of the state on the plate. The license plate letter/number combinat...
Legislation sponsored by Senator Jon Bramnick that would authorize the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) to create and issue special Mental Health Awareness license plates was approved today by the Senate Transportation Committee. Read on... Bucco: Report Confirms StayNJ Still A Fantasy ...
When a large truck and a passenger vehicle collide, the injuries are usually catastrophic or fatal. Passenger vehicles cannot withstand the size and weight of a commercial truck, especially at high speeds or if the truck tips over. While liability for the accident may seem clear, the trucking ...