If I leave this house to my sister, will she owe inheritance tax? The state's inheritance tax is based on your relationship to the person who dies... Read More How do reverse mortgages work? Should I get one? You should not enter into a reverse mortgage lightly. Do the research. ....
税是政府的一个最主要的对市场的干预政策。分为直接税Direct Tax 和间接税Indirect Tax。 在我的教学过程中,我发现大部分中国的同学,对于个人所得税和企业所得税,这两种直接税都听说且了解过。但一谈到遗产税(Inheritance Tax )就比较陌生了。 遗产...
例1:without prejudice to a) any liability of the Company to any form of taxation whether created or imposed in the PRC or any other part of the world and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, includes any tax computed on pr...
12月3日,工业和信息化部发布《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035年)》(征求意见稿),描绘新能源汽车未来15年的发展蓝图。 Sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) are expected to make up about 25 percent of the total new car sales and those of intelligent connected vehicles ...
12月3日,工业和信息化部发布《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035年)》(征求意见稿),描绘新能源汽车未来15年的发展蓝图。 Sales of new energy vehicles (NEVs) are expected to make up about 25 percent of the total new car sales and those of intelligent connected veh...