北京丽泽国际学校(下称“学校”)是由北京市第十二中学联合学校总校举办的民办性质的国际学校,学校由联合总校全面负责教育教学管理。学校绵延总校“真善美”教育思想和文化脉络,以打造“中国本色、世界水准的国际学校” 为愿景,以培养具有“爱国志、世界情、...
I also know that I wish that I had known more classmates. Most of the people I knew were from my elementary school years in North Camden, my junior high years at Vets, my college prep classes and my W-Z homeroom. That sounds like a lot of people, but it was not. We had over fo...
授权联系方式:homeroomchina@ ...展开全文c 小窗口 44040 3870 ñ109057 2020-3-16 19:17 来自微博视频号 已编辑 û收藏 164 2 ñ70 c +关注 遗产君被NJ慕瑶快转了 2020-3-15 16:01 来自HUAWEI P20 Pro 转发微博 @科学未来人 中国有一个盗墓大县,叫闻喜县。#...
homesick adj. 思家的,思乡病的 homeroom n. 品德训导室 homeschool vt. 在家中教授 hometown n. 故乡 homework n. 作业 honeycomb n. 蜂窝 honeydew n. 蜜露 honeymoon n. 蜜月 horseback n. 马背 horsepower n. 马力 hotbed n. 温床,...
1.For the student singles competition, registration can be done through the homeroom teacher, with a maximum of 4 players per class. 2.For mixed doubles, find your best partner and register within your class. Spaces are limited and a...
G5I Homeroom Teacher 班主任评语 这是一项让孩子暂时脱离日常生活和学习,完全进入外交官世界的模拟演练。也是一项打开联合国大门,引领孩子走上外交路线的精英体验。 通过模拟联合国活动,CBIS的孩子们在思考与沟通方面的技能得到提升,还激发了探究学习的兴趣,为领导力的...
IB HOMEROOM TEACHER PROFILE 高丽大学 教育工学硕士 Hebe曹慧老师毕业于哈尔滨师范大学对外汉语文学院学士、高丽大学教育工学硕士,精通英语、韩语,有近10年教学经验,曾在韩国多家顶尖私立学校担任班主任及中文教师,多次被评为金牌教师,出版书籍《HSK四级模拟试题》,独立完成中华...
到了11和12年级时,Nali Studio对我来说是我的第二个Homeroom。我很喜欢在Nali studio待着,虽然堆积了很多很多的作品,但是像一个百宝箱,我们可以找到我们想要的东西,可以在那里的书中找到作品的灵感。那里会教我们很多东西,给我们指出作品中...
Homeroom Teacher's Annual Teaching Plan Presentation Another important part of the day was when parents entered the classrooms of their children's respective grades to engage in in-depth discussions with homeroom and subject teachers. The teachers provided detailed explanations o...
I would like to say to everyone, "Thank you all. It is you who have made me stronger and braver."I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Angelo,Bob,Danna,Irene who as homeroom teacher for 12-71. When we wa...