图源/ 比亚迪汽车官微 “今年开年就全系上智驾,比亚迪是赶在特斯拉的FSD智驾入华之前,先解决从无到有的问题”,关注新能源汽车的投资人李顺称,比亚迪智价上车的节奏超过很多从业者的预期。 很多人说余承东“急了”,是因为比亚迪把智驾的价格打下来了。 他打了个比方,鸿蒙智行是华为车BU的样板房,虽然房子不是华为...
Technological tools such as mobile e-court, cloud court trial, and smart enforcement of court rulings are used to file cases online and across geographical boundaries, hold remote court sessions, and mediate online, so that people can engage in lega...
# This file is used to install dgiot on linux systems. The operating system # is required to use systemd to manage services at boot export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin function help() { echo "Usage: `basename $0` -v [single | cluster | devops | ci] -s [dgiot_n] -p [your...