Ensure you drive according to the set regulations to avoid surcharges. But in case you get caught on a driving offense, make payments in time, or else these penalties will follow; Your driver’s license may be suspended, and you cannot drive anymore unless you pay the surcharge. Additional...
Driving with a suspended or revoked license: Operating a vehicle without a valid driver’s license. Driving without insurance: New Jersey law requires all drivers to have vehicle insurance. Unregistered vehicle: Driving a vehicle not properly registered with the DMV. Blocking traffic / Improper stopp...
including jail time. The inconvenience of a long drivers license suspension is oppressive. The fines are steep, and there are added $1,000 per year DMV surcharges. Believe it or not, DWI charges have been estimated to cost people nearly $7,000 when all is said ...
driving under the influence or DMV surcharges, you may be facing serious penalties. Speak to a reputabletraffic attorneyin Passaic County immediately to stop your license from being suspended or revoked.