Anthony White, 31, of Lakewood was arrested on multiple charges in 2018 in connection to the discovery of a massive amount of child porn. Investigators said that found White allegedly in possession of more than 36,000 video and images of child porn on his electronic devices.You can read mor...
Middlesex County Sheriffs Dept. Officer Joshua Padilla — Terminated: Had sex with a 17-year-old girl in Pennsylvania and recorded it, then published it online. Padilla wassentenced to 15 years in prison. He was also charged withthree sexual assaults of unconscious womenandpleaded guilty to unl...
Police Dept. report). The Freeholders have also disgraced themselves with not offering the services of the Sheriff's Office for "School Resourse Officers" and "Patrolling" on a contractual basis--Sheriff Fred Brown, who is a staunch supporter of President Trump, got it up the "Buttt" by ...
Dept of Corrections DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag 1697 6a1 T DOC Trns Sth South Prisoner Transport Corrections 1699 6a3 T DOC Parole S South Parole Bureau Corrections 1701 6a5 T DOC South SOG South Special Operations Group Corrections 1703 6a7 T DOC Delta Statewide Parole Bureau (Delta...