TRENTON – The New Jersey Civil Service Commission (CSC) approved a motion this week to extend the Model Telework Pilot Program for New Jersey State employees until June 30, 2024. The program has been designed to help the State of New Jersey remain competitive with the private...
“The point we seek to make with this concert is that the experience of war is the same on both sides of the battle line; and furthermore, that those whose lives are endangered are almost never those making decisions about war,” says Dr. King. “With our singing, we hope to provide ...
During the conference, participants of SCCSC joined with student and teacher delegates from 162 Round Square member schools to contribute to various activities. The theme of RSIC 2023 was well implemented throughout the fruitful...
5. 我校确定的申请人于3月20日至3月29日按留学基金委的要求进行网上报名,具体要求见国家留学基金委网站: ,完成网上报名,仔细检查网上申请表格所有内容准确无误之后提交。 6.如申请人申请的项目有特别要求,请准备其他需要提交给留学基金委的书面申请材料...
点击上方“蓝字”一键订阅香港中文大学(深圳)2023翔龙鸣凤科学论坛之物质科学分论坛邀请函翔龙鸣凤科学论坛(Long Feng Science Forum)是香港中文大学(深圳)的注册论坛品牌。论坛旗下包含主论坛、研讨会系列和讲座系列活动。理工学院已于2018年8月、2021年8月、2022年8月及12月主办四次主论坛,...
1.“Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form” (printed by CSC), completed in Chinese or in English. It can be downloaded from the website of China Scholarship Council. 2.Certificate for the highest degree (notarized photocopies). If applicants are co...
SCCSC 2024届学生发展委员会换届交接大会 学生发展委员会,作为深圳(南山)中加学校的杰出学生干部力量,始终处于推进学校圆方教育理念实践的核心位置,为学校的蓬勃发展注入了不竭动力。为了延续这一使命,并昂扬向前,4月25日,2024届学生发展委员会换届...
We associated with HK U-Charm and presented the first DSE program teaching seminar with the theme of "Working Together to Deepen Understanding". SCCSC school leaders, teachers of the DSE courses and HK U-Charm team at...