Officials said hundreds of applicants each year are rejected "or dissuaded from applying" due to educational requirements for state jobs with salaries that can top $120,000 per year. "Every American should have the ability to attain a good job with growth opportunities and secure their place in...
The group provides several different options for people looking into moving careers, including job fairs, outlooks, dealing with ageism and salaries and much, much more. PSG offers camaraderie, support, mentoring, coaching, and hope along the path. Mem...
Outsourcing or job offshoring has serious repreccusions for Social Security (SSN) and Medicare--the elimination of our manufacturing base has not only destroyed this country and the middle class, but will put a terrible strain on SSN and the tax base. The U.S. has the worst safety net of...
they drafted a bill that would give priority to officers terminated "for reasons of economy" who were unable to complete their first year of service, thus allowing them to be rehired without retaking the civil service test.
salaries continue to attract the young. But they also face vocal criticism in Chinese media for domineering business practices and the “996” work schedules of their staff, toiling from at least 9am to 9pm, six days a week. In all, a third of Miss Zhu’s classma...
她和同事收取15%的剥虾服务费,这份工作似乎能帮他们赚到五位数的月薪(earn five-figure salaries every month)。何南新很中意这份工作的另一个原因是她可以获得和各种各样的人交流(interact with all kinds of people)的机会。 [相关词汇] 餐饮业 catering business...