" Hoberman said. "This should shock the public as well as the public officials who will now have to take a stand on the widespread doping of public service professionals who carry guns and save lives."
1、熟能生巧 Practice Makes Perfect 2、读书的快乐 The Pleasure of Reading 3、拼搏 Struggling 4、放弃 Give Up 5、应试教育 Test-oriented Education System 6、面试前的准备 Preparation for the Interview 7、助学贷款 Students Loans 8...
national college entrance exam 请看例句: The national college entrance exam, known in Chinese as gaokao, - a make-or-break opportunity for Chinese students - started on Thursday, with a surge in test takers this year due to the "baby boom" at the start of the...
service that provides notice … [and] an opportunity to present their objections.” Volkswagenwerk Aktiengesellschaft v. Schlunk, 486 U.S. 694, 705 (1988) (internal quotation omitted; emphasis added). If the due process clause protects nonresident aliens from being unjustly haled into civil ...
After completing my military service, I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly. I graduated from Taipei Commercial Jun...
11月27日,浙江省教育考试院对此作出回复,称因今年英语考试部分试题难度较往年偏大(level of difficulty for part of the test questions of this year's English exam was higher than previous years),遂面向所有考生,对难度较大的阅读理解(reading comprehension)、语言运用(linguistic ...