2023热词翻译 391-420 391.省考 provincial civil service exam392.霍乱 cholera393.中国国家博物馆 National Museum of China (NMC)394.毕业生招聘平台 graduates recruitment platforms395.中文教育 Chinese language learning396.中国第一历史档案馆 the First Histo...
铁饭碗 a secure job; iron rice bowl (直译也慢慢被大家接受,有一些新闻报道中,也会采取直译加解释的方式,像外国人表达这种中国特色词) 再来看一段中国日报往年的报导: Nearly 1.58 million people were expected to have sat for China's annual national...
In 2023, as many young people worked hard trying to pass postgraduate entrance and civil service examinations, the "exam rush" has driven the creation of stories likeChongshengde Wo Zhixiang Zhuanxin Xuexi(After Rebirth,...
but it had never got him past even the lowest grade of the imperial civil service examination. Since he had no head for any other kind of business, he grew steadily poorer until he was on the point of having to beg for food. Fortunately, he h...
作用 service n. 服务servant n. 仆人civil servant 公务员serve the community wholeheartedly为社区服务 serve bread and milk to the homeless people 为无家可归的人供应面包牛奶 12. settle vi. 安家,定居,结束争论,解决分歧,降落,停留 settlement ...