录取候补名单CO:Conditional Offer,有条件录取(相当于预录取),在入学之前必须满足一定的条件才能正式入学AD:Admission录取REJ:Reject拒绝Bar:录取门槛,被录取学生的一般背景情况CAS:英国大学发的确认电子录取通知书UCAS:大学和学院招生的服务中心,是统一为英国所有大学提供...
NJ Veterans Home Application for Admission Form [2MB PDF] ... DMAVA Form 8 - Special Orders for Civil Disturbance Operations (100KB PDF). General Information - Inheritance and Estate Tax - NJ.gov A SELF-EXECUTING WAIVER, FORM L-8, has been created for use in the estate of a RESIDENT ...
If you want luxury baked into your treatment, Bangz offers a 24 kt Golden Duo package. This includes a 24 karat gold facial with caviar ampoules and gold leaf application, followed by a gold sugar body scrub and polish. Bangz offers curated spa packages for both men and women. The Gentle...
this chapter shall apply to any private automated teller machine located in any building, structure or space where the primary purpose of function of which is unrelated to the provision of financial services to the public, including but not limited to office buildings, restaurants, bar, ...
Fascinating story of Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, two New Jersey guys trying to invent a textured 3-D plastic wallpaper in 1957 out of one of their garages. It failed. But a few years later they realized another application was protective packaging. Not to mention endless popping obsess...
Since there are alcohol vendors participating, only adults 21 and over may attend. Restaurants wishing to participate can call the Chamber at (732) 738-9482 then wewill send you an application or you can fill out the one on this site.There is no charge for restaurants to take part in the...
Jersey City. Passport photos can be taken at the clerk's office. Passport book for adults are $135 and passport book for minors (15 and younger) are $105. Passport card for adults are $55 and for minors (15 and younger) $40. For more information about the application process visit htt...
60. admission - free admission- 免费入场 61. admit - admit defeat - 承认失败 62. adolescence - adolescence period - 青春期 63. adopt - adopt a child - 收养孩子 64. adore - adore someone - 爱慕某人 65. adult - adult ...
He applied for PTI, and Probation recommended him for admission, but his application was denied. He appealed, and the Superior Court remanded the matter, after which his application was again denied. He appealed once more, but his second appeal was denied. He was convicted as charged, and ...
申请加入律师协会 application for admission to Law Association 申请人 petitioner; claimant 申诉案件 appeal case 申诉人(仲裁) claimant; plaintiff 申诉书 appeal for revision, petition for revision 实习律师 apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period ...