nix-on-droid overlays pkgs android-integration cross-compiling proot-termux bootstrap-zip.nix bootstrap.nix default.nix nix-directory.nix scripts templates tests .editorconfig .gitignore AUTHORS LICENSE default.nix flake.lock flake.nixBreadcrumbs nix-on-droid /pkgs ...
Termux:Float Termux:Tasker Termux:Widget Termux:GUI Phantom Process Killer NOTICE: Termux may be unstable on Android 12+. Android OS will kill any (phantom) processes greater than 32 (limit is for all apps combined) and also kill any processes using excessive CPU. You may get [Process comple...
build="nix-on-droid -F ~/Dev/mobile build"; switch="nix-on-droid -F ~/Dev/mobile switch"; # git g="git"; Expand All@@ -130,19 +130,13 @@ la="eza -lah --tree"; ls="eza -h --git --icons --color=auto --group-directories-first -s extension"; ...
It does not require root, user namespaces support or disabling SELinux, but it relies onprootand other hacks instead. It usesa forkofTermux-the-terminal-emulator app, but has no relation toTermux-the-distro. Please do not pester Termux folks about Nix-on-Droid. ...
sss = { url = "github:SergioRibera/sss/"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; }; outputs = { agenix, fenix, hm, nix-index-db, nix-on-droid, nixpkgs, self, sss, }: { nixOnDroidConfigurations.default = nix-on-droid.lib.nixOnDroidConfiguration { modules = [ ./hosts ]; }; ...
Nix-enabled environment for your Android device. [maintainers=@t184256,@Gerschtli] - nix-on-droid/pkgs/proot-termux/default.nix at 4d20bfc8462f356433510721ff1ab2fc704c7083 · nix-community/nix-on-droid
Nix-enabled environment for your Android device. [maintainers=@t184256,@Gerschtli] - Issues · nix-community/nix-on-droid