US Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus to perform at School of Music, April 6 The United States Army Field Band and Soldiers' Chorus will perform a free concert, Sunday, April 6 at 7 p.m. in Boutell Memorial Concert Hall in the NIU Music Building. The theme of the concert is Sea...
VariesSally Stevens Scholarships in the Arts for the School of Music To provide financial assistance to talented rising senior students in... Deadline03/15/2025 VariesSamuel E. Bradt & Bertha Glidden Bradt Memorial Fund To provide scholarship support to students majoring in music, and... ...
'05, Tours, Records with Music Greats Hampden praises mentors he found as a graduate student in the School of Music Ken Barnett, '16, D.P.T. '20, Transforms Past Pain into Future Prosperity Barnett is transformed by his past experience of instability David Hochberg, '88: From Mortgage...
These free printable preschool worksheets are quick & easy for you and of course your little kids will love coloring the adorable food images while practicing both number recognition as well as fine motor skills. Grab yours today! Fun ...
Keeping students engaged and motivated when they are not in school can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to help. Encouraging summer reading, offering a variety of fun activities and projects, and providing positive feedback and encourage...
Music 21Jan Commencement profile: Abria Shaw, Music Education CVPA 16Dec High School Invitational closing reception features workshops for students Art and Design 11Nov Upcoming lectures and presentations as part of ongoing CVPA Faculty Biennial Exhibition at NIU Art Museum ...
"One year, my family went to my aunt at the festival," says Li. "There was a dragon dance. I can't believe the dragon comes to our school now!"The children go to the playground. They wait there for the celebration.Beautiful music comes on. Then, an amazing dragon dances in. "Wow...
Especially those who were there from the beginning when I was writing songs in my dorm room in high school (thanks Gig, Connie & Taz) to DJing in dark dingy clubs (thanks Habebe, Guy Willow & shrimp!) with a few patrons and the bar staff been the only people to entertain ha ha......
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Keller is a resident of Neptune North residence hall on the NIU campus, said Brad Hoey, NIU Media Relations spokesman. The 2010 graduate of Neuqua Valley High School is majoring in art at NIU. Keller was active in art and music while she was in high school, Neuqua Valley Principal Bob Mc...